Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Yeah... it's been a while.

Alright long lost friends and family - can I start a new years resolution in April? In my defense I was busy having a baby and managing my 2 year olds tantrums... ok, enough of that. No excuses - I am committed to being a better blogger... keeping a digital diary! So rather than try and update you on the many months of our absence we will just move forward. Today's topic. Maternity leave.

This obviously comes to me as we are nearing the end of my 12 weeks off of work. It just seems so cruel to have to head back to work so early and turn over my little bubs. And of course there is also the fact that I just can't fathom how I am going to manage sitting in a cube all day (alert! my job is not glamorous) with my eyes open when Ethan still isn't sleeping well. He seems to have a chronic nighttime snorting, grunting, wiggle problem. I have read and been reassured by my pediatrician that this noisy sleeping is normal but what's a mama supposed to do?? I can't snooze alongside all the hustle and bustle going on in his crib and I can't just shut the monitor off either. So I guess I am going to deal with the sleep deprivation somehow (picture me finding time to shop, spa and drink wine...possible? prob not). And that whole sleep during the daytime? Come on. Who's going to do the dishes, the laundry, chase the two year old tornado? I guess I should put the computer down and give it a go! So to leave you... here is why we should not feel fortunate to be living in the USofA:

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